In today’s world, we need to reach out and support others as they change THEIR respective corners of OUR world.

Women and Men,
You can make a difference with just a $10 gift! Sign the Nuli guestbook to let us know you donated! Leave your email address and we’ll continue to reach out with more opportunities.

Be the Most Today by helping someone else achieve their dreams. Helping others be the Most Today is the NuLI way.

Be One in a Million! Join our One Million Women for Women Campaign.

Dear Friends,
The momentum of the November election presents opportunities for progress not seen in decades. Our window to act is now, and it will not stay open long. The Women’s Foundation of California is taking advantage of this opportunity for progress to create a movement for change and I would like to invite you to join this effort by participating in our One Million Women for Women Campaign. I have set a personal goal to recruit 300 of my friends, family and colleagues to this campaign.

Please join me and be one of one million women to give $10 so we can strengthen our investment in the solutions that are improving our state for all Californians.

Just three easy steps:
1. Watch our special video here:
2. click the "Donate Now" button or link to make your gift.
3. Forward this information on to the women in your network so we can reach our target of one million women!!

On behalf of the women and girls, families and communities that will benefit from your generosity, THANK YOU for being one in a million!

Maya T. Sandifor

Maya Thornell-Sandifor
Senior Program Officer
The Women's Foundation of California
Read more about Maya under Life Styles "Featured Woman"...

Thanks for visiting our site. Drop us a note by signing Nuli's guestbook.

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